Tuesday, February 19, 2013

hy do scientists think they can do whatever they want Atheists?

Saw this thread on Yahoo Answers and had to respond.

Please check out the thread:


Let me know you thoughts on my response:

I don't understand the question.  Scientists use the Scientific Method.  They may postulate an idea of what they expect to find, but if the results are contrary, they will analyze and publish those results.  Real science is data driven and thus more reliable than faith, which has no reasonable grounds of proof.  I am not an atheist in the sense that I think there is no binding force in our universe (I do subscribe to the idea, which scientist are beginning to build evidence for that there are many other universes).  At the heart of all matter is energy, which has the capability to bind all of us in unison.  Unfortunately, most people view themselves as separate from God or what they may call God (in my case the basic energy of all matter), and are not in unison.  In the unison of energy I guess I do have faith and don't rely so much on Science to prove, although, since my belief is reliant on the natural laws of the universe, both standard and quantum, it may be provable someday, unlike the existence of an omniscient being.  Please clarify your question.  It seems as though you are doubting all scientist, which seems unfair, since science is what brought us from the dark ages, which fundamental religious held in place for hundreds of years, stunting human potential and growth.

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